Cake ceres. Come See our Unique Cake Gifts! Check out our new Mini Cake Explosion Boxes and Mini Cake Variety Packs Carrot Cake A very moist cake using freshly grated carrots and walnuts, filled with apricot preserves and iced with cream cheese icing. Devilsfood A rich, fine-crumbed chocolate cake iced with chocolate butter cream (though goes well with almost anything).
Cake ceres Yummy

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Cake ceres
- Sediakan 5 kuning telor.
- Siapkan 2 putih telor.
- Sediakan 65 gr gula halus.
- Siapkan 8 gr tepung maizena.
- Siapkan 8 gr susu bubuk.
- Sediakan 75 gr mentega/butter cairkan.
- Sediakan 50 gr tepung terigu.
- Sediakan Bahan BUTTER CREAM.
- Sediakan 300 gr margarin blueband serbaguna.
- Sediakan 125 gr gula halus.
- Sediakan 2 sachet susu kental manis (80gr).
- Siapkan CARA: kocok margarin + gula sampai putih berjejak kira2 15 menit.
- Siapkan Stlh mengembang masukkan kental manis, kocok rata.Siap digunakan.
An olive oil cake flavored with lemon and rosemary. Vanilla cake layered with raspberry and almond filling. Frosted with almond buttercream The chocolate cake was moist and delicious There was a cheesecake like bread it was also rather good, but got even better when I put it in the fridge for a while. My mom has to have fresh bread daily so.
Intruksi Cake ceres
- Mixer telor dan gula hingga mengembang dan berjejak.
- Masukkan bahan kering di speed rendah / bs aduk balek spatula.
- Masukkan butter cair aduk balek (bagi 3 sesi).
- Loyang 20x20 sudah diolesi mentega sedikit dan lapis kertas baking.
- Tuangkan ke loyang hentakkan beberapa kali supaya udara keluar.
- Panggang di suhu 170 derajat selama 20 menit (oven sebelumnya sudah dipanaskan).
- Sesudah matang keluarkan dinginkan potong2 baru diberi topping butter cream + ceres / keju.
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Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl and whisk to combine. Make a well in the centre, and add the wet ingredients. Gently combine with the whisk until you have a fairly smooth batter. Ceres Bakery is located in downtown Kalispell and proudly serves the Flathead Valley with fresh pastries, delicious breads, gorgeous cakes, and rich coffee. The atmosphere is welcoming, the service is speedy and friendly, and the eclectic staff keeps it a cheerful and informal place to eat.