Jar Cheese Cake. Mason jars are all the rage. From salads to oatmeal, you can make just about anything in a mason jar. One of the most delicious treats to make in a mason jar are cheesecakes.
Jar Cheese Cake Menggugah Selera

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Jar Cheese Cake
- Siapkan Cream chese.
- Siapkan Heavy cream/ whipping cream (kocok hingga mengembang.
- Siapkan Gula halus.
- Sediakan 1 sachet yogurt (hilo - heavenly blush).
- Siapkan Cream cheese (saya pakai anchor).
- Siapkan Isian.
- Sediakan Selai straw berry.
- Siapkan Oreo dihaluskan.
- Siapkan Marie regal dihaluskan.
- Sediakan Susu fulcream secukupnya untuk membasahkan oreo dan marie di jar.
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Cara membuat Jar Cheese Cake
- Diamkan cream cheese di suhu ruangan. Setelah agak lunak campur dengan gula halus..
- Kocok heavy cream / whipping cream hingga kaku.
- Tambahkan yogurt dengan 50 ml air es. Setelah kental masukkan ke cream cheese. Aduk rata..
- Tambahkan heavy cream / whipping cream yang sudah dikocok.
- Masukkan cream chese di atas ke dlm plastik segitiga agar lebih rapi saat penuangan ke jar.
- Masukkan marie/ oreo yang sudah dihaluskan ke dalam jar, tambahkan sedikit susu fullcream agar melekat, tambahkan cream cheese, masukkan oreo yang sudah dihaluskan, tambahkan susu full cream agar melekat (menyatu), masukkan jam (bisa masukkan potongan buah juga), dst sampai jar penuh..
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MASON JAR CHEESECAKES — These perfectly sized cheesecakes are as pretty as they are delicious. Serve with a variety of topping for a fun dessert that perfect for. These Cheesecakes in a Jar are simple, portable, decadent and truly couldn't be any I simply scooped my cheesecake batter into small canning jars, baked them in a water. Baked Cheesecake in a jar makes the perfect gift to give from the kitchen. This is a mini cheesecake recipe I have used for years.