Blackforest Cake. A Black Forest Cake is a delicious combination of chocolate cake, Kirsch soaked Morello cherries, and loads of whipped cream. Black Forest Cake Recipe Demonstration - Black Forest gâteau or Black Forest cake (American English) is a chocolate sponge cake with a rich cherry filling based on the German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.
Blackforest Cake Sempurna

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Blackforest Cake
- Siapkan 13 kuning telur.
- Sediakan 6 putih telur.
- Sediakan 175 gram gula pasir.
- Sediakan 85 gram tepung terigu protein sedang.
- Siapkan 25 gram cokelat bubuk.
- Sediakan 20 gram susu bubuk.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdt baking powder.
- Siapkan 150 gram margarin, lelehkan.
- Sediakan 2 sdt cokelat pasta.
- Siapkan Bahan filling:.
- Sediakan 1 kaleng (225 gram) dark cherry, tiriskan, belah dua dark cherry.
- Siapkan 300 ml air dark cherry (175 ml air dark cherry + 125 ml air).
- Sediakan 3 sdm maizena.
- Siapkan 50 gram gula pasir.
- Sediakan Bahan Krim Olesan (kocok sampai mengembang creamy,dinginkan):.
- Siapkan 200 gram whip cream bubuk.
- Siapkan 400 ml air es.
- Siapkan Bahan Olesan (aduk rata) :.
- Sediakan 4 sdm gula pasir.
- Siapkan 50 ml air hangat.
- Siapkan Bahan Hiasan:.
- Siapkan secukupnya Dark cooking chocolate diserut.
- Sediakan secukupnya Ceri merah bertangkai.
Black forest cake is traditionally frosted with whipped cream, which means you have to eat it right away to prevent the frosting from deflating and sliding off. eggless black forest cake recipe with step by step photos. preparing a good or excellent eggless frosting cakes or gateau at home is creative as well as a satisfying effort. See more ideas about Cake, Desserts, Black forest cake. A simple luscious cake for the blackforest cake. Devil's food cake mix makes it easy to prepare an impressive, tasty torte that perfectly pairs chocolate and cherries.
Intruksi Blackforest Cake
- Cake, kocok telur dan gula pasir sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu, cokelat bubuk, susu bubuk, dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata..
- Masukkan margarin leleh (pastikan sudah dingin) dan cokelat pasta sedikit-sedikit sambip diaduj perlahan..
- Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang yang telah dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti. Saya tuang ke dalam 2 loyang kotak ukuran 24 cm tinggi 4 cm..
- Oven dengan api bawah suhu 190 derajat celcius selama 20 menit sampai matang..
- Cara membuat filling: Rebus air dark cherry, maizena, dan gula pasir sambil diaduk sampai meletup-letup. Masukkan dark cherry yang telah dipotong dua. Aduk rata. Sisihkan..
- Ambil selembar cake. Potong dua. Basahkan permukaan 1 potongan cake dengan bahan olesan. Ratakan filling di atas cake. Letakkan potongan cake lainnya di atasnya. Lakukan lagi hingga semua cake tersusun..
- Tutup seluruh permukaan cake dengan krim olesan. Hias dengan DCC serut dan ceri merah. Dinginkan. Siap disajikan..
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Black Forest Cake is one rich and decadent cake. Homemade cake, sour cherry filling, and topped with whipped cream. Chocolate and cherry are a classic pairing in this traditional cake from the southwest region of Germany, which has inspired. Impress your guests with this chocolate cherry layered cream cake - a revamped version of a retro classic. Black Forest Cake, it must contain Black Forest kirsch, a brandy made from local Put one cake cut-side up on a cake stand or serving plate and brush with half of the reserved.