Butter cake. Mixed properly and not overbaked, this is a fine, moist butter cake. I used Penzey's double strength vanilla and, for extra richness and moistness, I added an egg yolk in addition to the two eggs called for. This original gooey butter cake recipe from Paula Deen is an easy to make dessert.
Butter cake Menggugah Selera

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Butter cake
- Siapkan Bahan A.
- Sediakan 250 gr mentega.
- Sediakan 50 gr susu kental manis.
- Sediakan 100 gr gula pasir.
- Siapkan Kocok mengembang kira 15menit.
- Sediakan Bahan B.
- Sediakan 7 btr putih telur.
- Sediakan 100 gr gula pasir.
- Sediakan Kocok kaku jembul petruk di balik ga tumpah.
- Sediakan Bahan C.
- Siapkan 10 btr kuning telur.
- Siapkan 175 gr trigu.
- Sediakan 3 sdm susu bubuk.
- Sediakan Bahan D.
- Siapkan 2 sdm coklat bubuk.
- Sediakan Pasta coklat sckpny.
In a large bowl, combine cake mix, melted butter, and egg. The numbers refer to ingredient amounts. The rich butter cake recipe is super, moist, and is perfect for tea time. With no frosting, this is an ideal cake if you are looking for a simple but delicious cake.
Cara membuat Butter cake
- Setelah bahan A di kocok masukkan susu bubuk,kocok rata, bahan C..masukan kuning telur mnjdi 3tahap,per tahap di kocok 5 menit lalu masukan terigu ratakan.matikan mixer.
- Masukan kocokan putih telur ke bahan A yg sdh di aduk rata dg bahan C..di aduk rata ya..terakhir ambil 1/3 adonan masukkan coklat bubuk n pasta aduk n buat motif marble..atau polos aja..ga usa pake coklat bubuk n pasta. Panggang kira2 45 menit..
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It needs only a few basic ingredients. Keyword: moist butter cake recipe, rich butter cake recipe, tea cake recipe. Blue-Ribbon Butter Cake Tips Are butter cake and pound cake the same? While both cakes are known for being deliciously buttery and rich with a fine, moist crumb, there is a difference between the two. Butter cakes (also referred to as creamed cakes) have a lighter texture and greater volume than pound cakes.