Avocado mousse cake. This avocado chocolate mousse cake is very easily done and and is sure to wow your guests and loved ones. This avocado cake is not ordinary by any means! This sinfully healthy Avocado Chocolate Mousse is rich and so silky smooth… and you really The idea of avocado chocolate mousse has been popular on the health food scene for years, but some of.
Avocado mousse cake Sempurna

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Avocado mousse cake
- Siapkan Sponge cake.
- Sediakan 8 btr telur.
- Siapkan 150 gr gula pasir.
- Siapkan 15 gr emulsier.
- Sediakan Campur jadi satu kocok hingga mengembang.
- Siapkan Bahan B.
- Siapkan 100 gr tepung terigu.
- Sediakan 40 gr coklat bubhk.
- Sediakan 20 gr maizena.
- Sediakan 20 gr susu bubuk.
- Siapkan Semua bahan di ayak.
- Sediakan Bahan C.
- Sediakan 1 sachet susu kental manis (43ml).
- Siapkan 125 gr mentega dicairkan.
- Sediakan 1 sdm pasta coklat / mocca.
- Sediakan Campur jadi satu.
- Sediakan Avocado mousse cake (krim).
- Siapkan 450 gr avocado.
- Siapkan 80 gr gula pasir.
- Sediakan 100 ml susu segar.
- Sediakan 20 gr gelatine sapi.
- Sediakan 50 ml air dingin.
- Sediakan 300 gr whipped cream.
- Sediakan Secukupnya pewarna hijau.
- Siapkan Untuk chocolate ganache.
- Siapkan Sy pakai selai nutella.
Sink your fork into a slice of fudgy chocolate · Healthy chocolate mousse made from just avocado, nuts, cacao and fruit. This avocado chocolate mousse is a combination of healthy and delicious ingredients that come. I used this chocolate avocado mousse to create this amazing vegan chocolate mousse cake - a delicacy for the taste buds and sight and I hope you'll like as much as we did. Place the melted chocolate, avocados, agave, cocoa powder, vanilla and salt in a food processor.
Cara membuat Avocado mousse cake
- Cara membuat cake - masukkan bahan B ke dlm bahan A. Kocok sampai kental dan kaku - masukkan bahan C. Aduk rata Tuang ke dalam loyan ukuran 22x22cm. Sebelumnya telah dilapisi baking paper dan dioles oil spray - panggang sampai matang. Setelah matang tunggu sampai benar2 dingin lalu belah 2..
- Filling/krim avocado Blender avocado+gula pasir+susu segar. Sisihkan Kocok whipi cream sampai kaku. Sisihkan Campur gelatin dengan 2 sdm air. Lalu tim sampai larut. Kemudian masukkan kedalam avocado lalu ke dalam whip cream. Aduk rata. Beri pewarna hijau sesuai selera.
- Susun 1 lapisan cake di loyang bongkar pasar. Kemudian tambahkan krim avocado. Banting sedikit2 agar krim rata dan tidak ada udara didalamnya. Lalu simpan dalam frezer sampai permukaannya beku. (30 menit) Lalu susu kembali cake dan krim seperti tadi. Masukkan ke frezer lagi.
- Beri hiasan cream di sudut, beri taburan bubuk coklat dengan menggunakan pola apa saja. Bisa pakai kertas yang di gunting cantik. Kemarin saya juga buat jd kecil2 krn untuk takjil acara bukber. Cakenya sy cetak bulat kecil di tempat kopi. Lalu sy beri krim.
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Smooth and Creamy Chocolate Avocado Mousse - the truly healthy dessert that ticks all the right This avocado chocolate mousse would like to know where it stands. This Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse is quick and easy to make in the food processor, made with healthier ingredients, and it Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse. Chocolate pudding on orange slice served with ice cream and tea. Chocolate mousse with nuts and cream. The avocado icing is so rich and yummy you'll want to eat it by the spoonful!