Black forest cake. Black Forest gâteau or Black Forest cake (American English) is a chocolate sponge cake with a rich cherry filling based on the German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. This deliciously moist Black Forest Cake is a cut above the rest with homemade whipped cream, rich chocolate ganache, and sweet spiked cherries. Thanks for your faith and of course 'thanks' for your patience!
Black forest cake Lezat

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Black forest cake
- Siapkan Pondan black forest.
- Sediakan 6 butir telur.
- Sediakan 150 gr mentega (lelehkan).
- Sediakan Topping :.
- Sediakan Butter cream (mix mentega putih+gula halus sampai mengembang).
- Siapkan Dark cokelat.
- Sediakan 1 buah cherry (sesuai selera).
Black Forest Cake is probably the most famous German Cake! Made with three layers of light and fluffy chocolate cake that are topped with homemade cherry filling and fresh whipped cream. This heavenly Vegan Black Forest Cake is incredibly delicious and made without any dairy ingredients. The recipe is simple and can also be made sugar-free and gluten-free.
Cara membuat Black forest cake
- Kocok 2 telur hingga mengembang (2 menit). Tambahkan Pondan black forest (bagi sebanyak 3 bagian/130 gr) kocok lagi hingga mengembang (7 menit)..
- Masukkan pasta coklat yg sudah ada dalam kemasan Pondan (bagi sebanyak 3 bagian/8 gr), dan masukkan lelehan mentega (bagi sebanyak 3 bagian 50 gr). Aduk dengan spatula..
- Tuang ke dalam loyang yg sudah di olesi mentega. Panaskan oven 200°C selama 10 menit..
- Kemudian panggang selama 45 menit dengan suhu 180°C..
- Lakukan sebanyak 3 kali, untuk 3 lapis kue..
- Kemudian oles 3 lapis kue tersebut dengan butter cream..
- Lalu iris tipis dark coklat, dan tempelkan ke kue yg sudah di olesi butter cream. Tambahkan cherry diatasnya..
- This is black forest cake🤗.
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Black Forest Cake (Black Forest Gateau if you're British) comes to us from Germany, a country that is so serious about Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cherry-Torte) that they actually have. Ingredients and How to Make Black Forest Cake. German Black Forest cake is a rich, luscious chocolate torte that originated from the Black Forest region in Germany. Traditionally, the cake is made with layers of chocolate cake, whipped cream, and. Place bottom cake layer onto a serving plate, brush with brandy mixture, and spread cherry filling over it, leaving an approx.