Roll cake. How to make the fluffiest vanilla roll cake and tips for avoiding deflated batter, cracked sponge and The best roll rake recipe made for making jelly roll cakes. Light and fluffy but flexible enough to roll. This cake roll required more testing than usual because I was SO torn between using butter vs oil, cocoa powder vs melted chocolate, as well as the perfect amount of flour.
Roll cake Menggugah Selera

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Roll cake
- Sediakan Bahan a.
- Siapkan 100 gr tepung trigu.
- Sediakan 4 butir kuning telur.
- Siapkan 1/4 sdt Vanili.
- Siapkan 85 ml Susu uht full cream.
- Sediakan 65 ml minyak sayur.
- Sediakan 25 ml madu (tk gnti skm).
- Sediakan Bahan b.
- Siapkan 4 putih telur.
- Siapkan 85 Gulapasir.
- Sediakan 1/4 sdt garam.
- Sediakan 1 sdt cuka/cream of tar tar/air lemon.
How to Roll a Strawberry Short Cake Roll and Other Tips. This is the short version of what you need to know, but should be enough to help you be successful the first time Roll the cake and greaseproof paper up together, making sure that it is especially tight at the Re-roll the cake, this time without the greaseproof paper. Don't worry about small cracks at the beginning of. A 'cake roll' seems to go under many names.
Cara membuat Roll cake
- Siapkan bahan.
- Campur susu,minyak,tepung,vanili,aduk rata pakai wisk,kemudian masukan kuning telur satu per satu aduk terus sampe tarasa licin dan membentuk pasta,sisihkan..
- Kocok kuning telur,sampe berbuih tambahkan garam dan cuka kocok terus sampe busa tambah banyak,masukkan gula bertahap,3tahap.Kocok terus sampe stiff peak jika mixer di angkat membentuk kuncung,di balik tidak tumpah,dan mengkilat..
- Masukan bahan b ke bahan a secara bertahap,3tahap yaa..Aduk balik pk spatula,sampe benar2 tercampur.
- Lalu taruh di loyang yg sudah di alas baking paper,sisakan sedikit adonan(2sdm),beri pasta coklat,lalu buat motif di atas adonan,,.
- Motif ini plg sederhana,walau sederhana punya saya ndak rapi🙈,ini penampakan setelah matang segera balikkan kue di atas serbet bersih atau kertas baking,buang pinggiranya supaya rapi,lalu oles dengan selai atau bc,kalau pake bc tunggu dingin,supaya tidak leleh,tp kalau pake sele panas2 langsung oles dan gulung.
- Ini stelah di gulung dan taruh di kulkas dulu baru di potong2.pake pisau tajam ya buibu kalo motong biar halus,jangan kaya aku pisaunya bujel😁jd amburadul..
- Tips dan trik kalo pakai otang seperti aku,taruh kue di rak tengah pada dasar oven taruh baskom berisi air panas,tujuanya agar kue tetap lembab jd mudah untuk di gulung,pastijan permukaan kue bener2 kering supaya motif tidak mengelupas saat di gulung,bisa di cek dengan cara menepuk permukaan kue jika tidak ada binyi pess pess berarti udah kering,.panggang pakai api sedang cenderung besar..
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From the classic Swiss roll to the classic 'roll cakes'. You can call them what you like, these rolled up cakes all taste amazing and look amazing as well. Fluffy sponge cake rolled up with fresh matcha cream in the middle, this Matcha Swiss Roll will be an instant favorite this holiday season! Gorgeously spiraled cake rolls (also called jelly rolls and roll cakes) look tricky to make, but they Follow our cake roll recipe and step-by-step instructions (yes, there really is a step requiring you to. The only thing this stunning cake roll needs is a scoop of mint chip ice cream on top! #coffee #afternoon coffee #roll cake #cake #coffee and cake #kiki lala #kikilala #little twin stars #pastels #pastel food #kawaii #kawaii food. #dessert #japanese sweets #roll cake #strawberries.