Cheese cake simple. Simple classic cheesecake in a graham cracker crust, dense and delicious. This is an easy to make Newyork style cheese cake recipe for beginners with minimal ingredients, yet tasty. Basic cheesecake recipe at home New York Cheese.
Cheese cake simple Sempurna

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Cheese cake simple
- Siapkan 200 grm Cream cheese.
- Siapkan 75 grm Gula halus.
- Sediakan 2 buah Telur uk sedang.
- Sediakan 1 Kuning telur.
- Siapkan 5 ml Vanili cair.
- Siapkan 120 ml Whipping cream.
This cake was sent home from our children's school. It is the simplest, great tasting cake I've ever made. Get the recipe for Classic Cheesecake. Most cheesecake recipes use cream cheese, but quite a few also have ricotta cheese or cottage Cheesecake!
Cara membuat Cheese cake simple
- Mixer cream cheese dan gula halus sampai rata, kemudian masukan kuning telur dan telur utuh mixer kembali sembari tambahkan vanili cair..
- Pelan pelan tambahkan whipping cream dan mixer dengan kecepatan sedang, tuang adonan di loyang yang sudah dialasi oleh kertas roti (ini agar gampang diangkat).
- Panggang di oven di suhu 220 dengan api atas bawah selama 35 menit, setelah itu panggang lagi di suhu 180 dengan waktu 10 menit.
- Diamkan 5 -10 menit agar tidak terlalu panas lalu masukan kedalam kulkas dan diamkan selama 6-8 jam, potong sesuai selera dan siap disantap. Cheese cake ini lebih nikmat di santap saat dalam keadaan dingin..
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It's so rich and creamy, it can elevate the taste of almost any type of cake from rich. In Russia, tvorog (quark or cottage cheese) is a childhood favorite. It is eaten fresh with sour cream or milk, as well as inside pies, buns, and pastries. Try our simple carrot cake recipe that's easy to make. Everyone loves the spiced flavour of carrot Use dental floss to cut a cake in half; it works like a cheese wire.