Fudgy Choco Brownies. The chocolate chips won't melt completely in the brownie, giving you nice chocolate bits in every bite! If you aren't a fan texture in your brownies, you can skip the chocolate chips — you'll still have fudgy, delicious brownies. Stack them on a plate and serve them up.
Fudgy Choco Brownies Yummy

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Fudgy Choco Brownies
- Siapkan 130 gr Margarin/Unsalted Butter.
- Siapkan 225 Dark Compound Chocolate DCC (Colatta).
- Siapkan 250 gr Gula halus/kastor.
- Siapkan 3 butir Telur.
- Siapkan 120 gr Tepung terigu protein sedang/all purpose flour (segitiga biru).
- Sediakan 30 gr coklat bubuk.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt Baking Powder.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt garam.
- Sediakan Lainnya :.
- Siapkan Loyang sekat uk 20x20.
- Sediakan Toping irisan kenari dan chocochips.
A special addition gives these brownies a super fudgy centre without losing that crispy, crackly top! Recipe for the Best Fudgy Cocoa Brownies with crackly tops. So simple but SO delicious, they are gone in seconds! If you're looking for the BEST Fudgy Chocolate Brownies Ever, then you've come to the right place! 🙂 This tried and true recipe uses cocoa powder (instead of melted chocolate) to make double fudge cocoa brownies that are slightly chewy and fudgy at the edges of the pan, while the middle pieces are super fudgy.
Intruksi Fudgy Choco Brownies
- Panaskan oven 180 derajat. Lapisi loyang dengan paper baking/kertas roti dan lebihkan sisi kanan kiri agar mudah mengangkat kuenya. Olesi dengan margarin..
- Potong2 kecil DCC lalu lelehkan bersamaan dengan margarin Tunggu hingga suhu ruang. Aduk2 dengan whisker agar benar2 tercampur rata dan licin. Campur dan ayak tepung, coklat bubuk, garam, dan baking powder. Sisihkan..
- Masukkan gula halus kedalam lelehan coklat margarin, aduk agar benar2 tercampur rata dan menyatu dan mengkilap. Masukkan satu persatu telur aduk rata hingga lembut. Terakhir masukkan campuran tepung yg sudah diayak. Jangan terlalu lama diaduk ya...yg penting sudah tercampur rata. Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang, lalu pasang sekatnya dan taburi topping. Panggang kurang lebih 50 menit..
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Fudgy chocolate brownies made with cocoa powder - fudgy and bittersweet! I've got a super-easy yet DELICIOUS fudgy brownie recipe for you today. Brownies can't get any fudgier or easier to make than this folks! In a small saucepan, melt butter and chocolate over low heat. In a large bowl, beat eggs, sugar, vanilla and salt until blended.