Rolled Oat Cookies. Rolled Oat Cookies Recipes on Yummly Add rolled oats, raisins and nuts. The dough was much softer than I expected.
Rolled Oat Cookies Menggugah Selera

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Rolled Oat Cookies
- Siapkan 300 gram rolled oat.
- Siapkan 100 gram gula halus.
- Sediakan 90 gram margarin.
- Siapkan 1 butir telur.
- Siapkan 100 gram tepung terigu protein sedang.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdt baking soda.
- Sediakan Secukupnya kismis / choco chips.
These cookies are soft in the middle, a little chewy outside. You can ADD in any toppings of your choice! Oatmeal cookies are a favorite with kids and adults. This gives the cookies a nice chewy texture which is why I like to use them in this recipe.
Cara membuat Rolled Oat Cookies
- Kocok margarin dan gula sampai pucat, lalu tambahkan telur. Kocok lagi sampai rata..
- Dalam wadah terpisah campurkan bahan kering, rolled oat, tepung terigu, baking soda, kalau suka tanbahkan kayu manis bubuk. Setelah tercampur, masukkan bahan kering ke bahan basah. Aduk menggunakan mixer..
- Cetak dalam loyang yang telah dioles margarin. Lalu oven kurabg lebih 20-25 menit. Tergantung oven..
- Setelah matang tunggu kukis agak dingin baru lepaskan satu persatu dari loyang. Setelah dingin simpan dalam toples..
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Want to try. roll into balls and drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet. Note: beat eggs and add sugar, then butter, crisco and vanilla. and tasty cookies recipes are oat cookie made with rolled oats with raisin and choco chips. well, to be honest, i am not a huge fan of baking a cookie recipe at home but i like to have it as a snack with my. Eggless Oats Jaggery Cookies flavored with cardamom, cinnamon, nuts and sweetened with These Oats Jaggery Cookies. ✓ are made with whole grains- whole wheat and whole rolled oats. That recipe asks for rolled oats. Can I replace them with these instant oats?