Birthday cake (sponge cake). An easy sponge cake recipe, you can serve it plain sandwiched with jam to make an easy sponge cake, or fill with buttercream for a happy birthday the cake. Find loads of birthday sponge cakes here. A sponge cake is perfect for any birthday cake - whether you're looking for a classic Victoria sponge or a chocolate sponge for a kid's birthday cake.
Birthday cake (sponge cake) Menggugah Selera

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam Birthday cake (sponge cake)
- Sediakan Sponge cake:.
- Sediakan 6 butir putih telur.
- Sediakan 180 gr gula.
- Siapkan 1/4 sdt garam.
- Sediakan 6 butir kuning telur.
- Siapkan 2 sdt vanilla essence.
- Sediakan 180 gr terigu.
- Siapkan 60 ml minyak+60 ml susu cair.
- Siapkan Bahan pelengkap:.
- Siapkan secukupnya Butter cream.
- Sediakan secukupnya Keju parut.
Once you've added your whole sponge cake to your basket simply choose to 'design your own' topper and upload your own photo as the background! You can either leave it like that or add a personalised. Homemade delicious strawberry sponge cake decorated with fresh strawberries on white kitchen table background. This cake looks amazing and I want to use this to make a birthday cake for my baby, since.
Cara membuat Birthday cake (sponge cake)
- Kocok putih telur,gula dan garam. Masukan gula 3x bertahap sampai kaku pucat pakai speed tinggi.
- Kuning telur aduk rata dengan vanila essence.
- Masukan kuning telur ke putih telur Mixer sebentar sampai rata.
- Ayak terigu aduk balik pakai spatula..
- Masukan campuran minyak dan susu aduk rata.
- Siapkan loyang yang telah di alasi kertas roti dan pinggirnya oles dengan margarin. Lalu hentakan. Oven 30-40 menit sesuaikan oven masing-masing..
- Hias sesuai selera.
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Sponge bob birthday, sponge bob party, cake topper, party decor, birthday decor. This spongebob Cake topper will be the talk of your party. Transparent back with sequins inside plastic acetate making it a shaker topper! Lamingtons are little sponge cakes coated in chocolate and grated coconut. A traditional Australian treat that appeals to most.